Are Leather Jackets Attractive on Men? Get the Facts!

Academic studies have determined that leather is attractive. Studies have also revealed the physical features of a male’s body that make him appear more attractive when highlighted.

Combining these studies with a recent survey on the attractiveness of leather jackets on men finally answered the question.  

Leather jackets that emphasize broad shoulders and narrow waists are the most attractive on men. 

Academics studies conducted between 1981 – 2019 suggest that males and females are most attracted to a shoulder to waist ratio of 1.6. 

However, the leather jacket style needs to reflect the wearer’s attitude for maximum attractiveness.

woman attracted to man wearing a leather jacket

Included in this post are the results from a recent survey on the attractiveness of leather jackets on men. 

You will also find five major academic studies conducted between 1981 to 2019 that support the ideas of attractive features on males, the attractiveness of the leather material.

Continue reading for an in depth look at the data. 

In the recent survey, 76% indicated that leather jackets made men appear more attractive, while 24% disagreed or were indifferent.   

**Males were surveyed, the participation was too low to be reported.**  

Of the women surveyed, there were several common themes about leather jackets and their attractiveness on men. 

Most women felt that just wearing a leather jacket was not enough to make a man attractive.   Each woman had an idea of the type of attitude and body frame that should match the jacket. 

If the woman felt that the man had the physical features and attitude that matched their ideas about the jacket, he was considered attractive. 

The following table lists the results of the survey.  

Ideal Body Type Expected Personality
Double RiderPhysically fit
Shorter – average height
Bad boy
Free Spirit
Moto/Cafe RacerSlim build
Physically fit
Shorter – average height
Bomber (Aviator)Any shape
Less fit
Shorter – average Height
Car CoatAny shape
Average – taller heights

Another thing that I found interesting during the survey was that many of the women that considered leather jackets unattractive felt so because leather jackets were part of the everyday wear in their area. 

There had to be something extraordinary about the man and the leather jacket to be considered attractive for them.   

Leather jacket features that make a man more attractive

Wide shoulders

Leather jackets are most attractive on men when the shoulders appear to be about 1.6 times wider than the waist.

This ratio is not possible for all body types. The leather jacket should align with the shoulder bone to achieve the widest shoulder appearance.

The shoulder area of a leather jacket that extends past the shoulder bone will create a loose look. A shoulder area that is too short will cause the coat to bunch up. Both situations hurt the perceived width of the shoulders.   

A leather jacket that does not conform to the body looks baggy and loose in the mid-section. The entire upper body will look bloated. The appearance decreases the shoulder-to-hip ratio and reduces that aspect of perceived attractiveness.  

Dr. Hovath was one of the first to conduct a study on the relationship between broad shoulders and perceived attractiveness. In 1981, Dr. Hovath’s investigation concluded that women preferred men with wider shoulders and smaller waist. 

A more recent study in 2019 by Pazhoohi, James, Doyle, Macedo, and Arante investigated perceived attractiveness. The study also examined how males and females’ eyes tracked either the front or back of a male figure.   

The results indicated that men preferred an upper-body shape where the shoulders were about 1.6 times wider than the waist. The broader upper-body was a more masculine ratio.

The study also found that men dwelled on torsos with this shape much more than others. However, there was no change in the dwell time of females in the study.

Small waist

A leather jacket should conform to the midsection of the torso to create a slimmer waistline. The narrow waist makes the shoulders look wider while also making the body look taller.   

A body frame that is perceived to be taller is more attractive than a ratio that makes you look shorter. 

In 1995 Devendra Singh conducted two studies and concluded that women found men with a waist to hip ratio of 0.9 attractive. The study suggested that a smaller waist meant that the men were healthier and had more vigor.

In 2005, Fan, Dai, Liu, and Wu conducted a study on how the relationship between a male’s height and body volume affects attractiveness. 

Which leather jacket will make you the most attractive?

Double Rider 

The double rider jacket is most appropriate for giving off the bad boy appearance. It is suitable for young and fit bodies and a dominant personality.

However, this jacket is a tradition in motorcycle clubs, making it appropriate for older men who may not be in the best shape.  

It is the least casual out of the four categories of jackets discussed in this post. It is characterized by having a double collar where one collar flips over the other.

This jacket may have accessories such as belts and chains attached. There are also multiple zippers and pockets often placed at different angles located in various jacket areas.    

The double rider is an excellent jacket for bikers that need a place to store small items. The extra accessories make this jacket challenging to dress up. I see this jacket most often in older men in motorcycle clubs.

Cafe Racer

The cafe racer is a tight-fitting jacket suitable for a “fit” body frame of any age.   It gives the wearer an option of either a sporty or elegant appearance. 

It has a simple and symmetrical design compared to the double rider. When I see this jacket, I envision elegance. The simple design supports dressy attire while also accommodating the casualness of jeans and a T-Shirt.

Bomber (Aviator) Jacket 

The bomber jacket is a general jacket suitable for all body types and ages. The elastic waist works well for those that have a slightly larger midsection.   

The bomber jacket is a loose-fitting jacket. It was originally designed to thoroughly insulate pilots that were flying at high altitudes where it was freezing.

The bomber jackets have elastic around the wrist and waist areas to keep heat from leaving the coat’s inside and prevent cold air from moving into the coat.  

Car Coat 

The car coat jacket gives off a sophisticated look for men over the age of 40.  The coat extends past the waist, making it a great coat for taller frames or frames with larger midsections.  


Horvath, T. Physical attractiveness: The influence of selected torso parameters. Arch Sex Behav 10, 21–24 (1981).

Fan J, Dai W, Liu F, Wu J. Visual perception of male body attractiveness. Proc Biol Sci. 2005;272(1560):219-226. doi:10.1098/rspb.2004.2922.

Pazhoohi, F., Garza, R., Doyle, J.F. et al. Sex Differences for Preferences of Shoulder to Hip Ratio in Men and Women: an Eye-Tracking Study. Evolutionary Psychological Science 5, 405–415 (2019).

Singh, D. (1995). Female judgment of male attractiveness and desirability for relationships: Role of waist-to-hip ratio and financial status. Journal of personality and social psychology, 69(6), 1089.

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