Why Does Leather Make You Sweat So Much?

Leather has been used for many centuries. One of the earliest known uses of leather dates back to around 2200 BCE! We love leather. It is practical, solid, and long-lasting. But there is one complaint about leather, one that has plagued us for a while. Why does leather make you so sweaty? 

It is not the leather itself that makes you sweat but the surrounding temperature. Leather does an incredible job of reflecting the environment’s temperature or any heat source near. Why you get so sticky is that the leather reflects your body heat at you. Thus, you feel hot, and you start to sweat.  

So, how bad is sweat for leather? Is it damaging? More importantly, is there anything to stop it? Well, keep on reading to find out! 

Is Sweat Bad for Leather?

Our skin produces certain oils that help condition our skin and make sure it is soft and protected. But, unfortunately, these same oils can do some funny things to leather, especially over a long time.

The oils present in sweat penetrate the leather and begin to break down the fibers. The fats deny the leather the positive effect of Tannins, ultimately degrading the product. 

But, with regular cleaning and conditioning, your leather should remain supple and beautiful for many years to come. 

How To Stop Sweating on Leather Furniture 

Sometimes, with leather, prevention is the best cure. So, to stop sweating so much over your beautiful furniture, it is a good idea to take some measures which will keep your leather looking beautiful. 

The best way to keep sweat off of your leather is to provide protection. In the summer, or when people are particularly sweaty, you can place throws or blankets over your furniture. 

The throws or blankets will absorb all the sweat from the body and stop it from seeping into the furniture. When you combine covering the furniture with regular upkeep and cleaning, your sofa will look as good as new or even age beautifully (without the sweat stains).

So, how can you enjoy your leather furniture or leather clothing when temperatures rise? 

Can You Wear Leather in Summer?

Leather is excellent at keeping us warm and protected in the winter. Still, in the summer, when things get sweaty, it can be unpleasant. 

You can wear your leather in the summer without being drenched in sweat the moment you get home. So, it is always advisable to take certain precautions before putting on your beautiful leather pants. But, first, you need to know how you wear it! 

In the summer, many people are put off by leather as they picture baking in the sun, cooking in sweat. Not nice! But by choosing the right leather, you will make your summer months more stylish and more comfortable. 

When looking at different leathers, especially in summer, you should keep some general guidelines in mind.  

  • Choose lightweight leather: a lambskin is a great option 
  • Choose lined leather: the lining stops sweat from degrading the leather
  • Choose balance: pair your leather garments with lightweight and breathable fabrics

Many fabrics that are available on the market can cause your body to overheat and start to sweat. Leather is no different, but it still has some ways for you to enjoy this fabric all year round. 

Lightweight leather is always going to be cooler than thick and heavy leather. So try out a lightweight jacket over a clean white t-shirt. Another option is to try a leather top, open-back dress or some leather boots. 

All that matters is the weight of the leather and how well-lined they are. So with care and a little thought, you too could be rocking leather all year round. 

Does Sweat Discolour Leather?

Many things can cause the color of leather items, sweat being no different. Here are just a few things to keep an eye out for: 

  • Light
  • Dust 
  • Dirt 
  • Temperature 
  • Body oils 
  • Sweat 

All these examples can break down leather by altering the pH balance, ultimately accelerating the amount of surface wear. The loss of color comes from tiny parts of the leather breaking off at a microscopic level, slowly reducing the saturation of color. While this wear is typical for leather, we can slow it. 

Is Sweat Bad for Leather Seats?

Sweating can cause a plethora of issues for any leather. Over time sweating can cause stains, dark spots, flakes, and cracks. 

Our sweat is made of different oils and chemicals; these chemicals can build up and eventually cause irreversible damage. Therefore, you should always seek to protect your leather seats from unnecessary wear and tear, especially from sweat. 

One good choice for protecting your seats from sweat and other household contaminants is to purchase a seat cover. You can find covers made out of all kinds of material, so pick the right one for you. 

But what happens if you have got stains on your leather? What can you do?

How Can You Remove Sweat Stains from Leather?

Although the thought of cleaning your leather can seem like an impossible task. You can do it, but you are going to need some essential household items. You may even have them around your home already. 

What you will need:

  • A ClothA Buffing Cloth or Soft Brush 
  • Baby Shampoo 
  • Fabric Softener
  • Saddle Soap 
  • Leather Conditioner 
  • Protective spray (for leather)

Rub on a Small Spot

Before you start cleaning your leather, it is always a good idea to test your product to see if it will cause any discoloration. Then, rub a small amount of shampoo into the leather, and rinse with a cloth. Make sure to try to get as much moisture out as possible when you pat your leather dry. 

Allow to Dry Completely

If any stains are visible after the cleaning, take your leather to a professional; if not, you can carry on to the next stage. 

Wash Your Leather  

Take a few drops of baby shampoo, mix in a bowl of warm water; dampen a cloth, and massage the solution to the garment or sofa. When finished, pat dry and allow to dry completely.

Condition Your Leather 

If both the stain and smell has gone, treat your leather with a conditioner and protective spray. If not, move on. 

Wash With Fabric Softener  

With a good mixture of fabric softener and warm water, wash the area.

Then Wash with Saddle Soap 

Take your saddle soap and wash the area according to the instructions on the packet. Dry, then condition as before. When dry, spray with a protective spray. 

  • Ensure that you use as little water as possible when washing leather, as water can dry out leather and promote mildew. 


In Conclusion 

Leather is a fantastic fabric, and it is durable. So even if you are put off by the idea of wearing leather in the summer, you should try it! When it is done right, leather can be a fabulous addition to your summer wardrobe, and the worry of sweat is a thing of the past. 

Also, make sure to keep on top of cleaning and removing any stains as soon as they happen. Remaining vigilant about cleaning your leather is by far the best way to keep your leather fresh for a long time. 

Most experts suggest you clean your leather furniture or leather item at least once a month. And the experts say it would be best if you conditioned anywhere up to twice a year, depending on personal preference. 

So, how will you wear leather this summer? 



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